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Apple Education Academy

La Mirada High School's


The APPLE Academy is a Blue Ribbon awarded academy and has been going strong for 23 years.  The APPLE Academy family supports  students who are interested in careers working with children, such as educators to child-psychologists. 

APPLE begins their freshmen year with cross-curricular lessons, California Technical Education courses (CTE), mentorship and internship at local elementary and middle schools, college preparedness,  250 hours of career readiness training, SkillsUSA competition training in their field, community service projects and hours, project-based learning, and support from their teachers and the senior APPLE students.  In addition, our goal is to build a family atmosphere, which involves attending events whether academic or extracurricular that include other APPLE students. Seniors are also guided through the registration and FASFA process at Cerritos College and given admission to their Teacher Trac/Pre-trac program, which then feeds into CSULB's teacher track program. We have college and career research projects to help students find the career that is right for them.  Students are helped every step of the way so that they can achieve their dreams. 

Students are College and Career Ready when they graduate from LMHS APPLE Academy!