ACE Business Academy
The ACE Business Academy is designed to give Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing students valuable real world business and work experiences during high school.
Project Shark Tank - 9th and 10th grade students collaborate with local business community members to develop a business plan from ideation to presentation. 5 ACE Business Academy Entrepreneurship
Digital Marketing & Design - Digital Marketing and Design Students will explore the world of Digital Marketing focusing on Social Media Marketing. The course book, Marketing Strategies, comes with a 6-week simulation where students will take on the role of a social media marketing director for a company based on Herschel Bags.
Virtual Enterprise - 11th and 12th V.E. is our capstone course that allows students to create and run a fictitious business. This course provides students with the opportunity to play a role in creating, building, marketing, and competing in the business world with challenge but without the risk. The V.E. class travels to four trade show competitions per year, where they showcase their product or service as well as their salesmanship. At these events, students have an opportunity to compete in both individual and team competitions where awards are given.