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Dual Enrollment

*The information on this page primarily applies to dual enrollment at Cerritos College. For information on taking a course at a different community college, please see the FAQ "What if I want to take a class at another community college?"*

What is Dual Enrollment? 

Dual Enrollment is when a student enrolls in a college course and earns college credits while still being enrolled in a K-12 institution, i.e. La Mirada High School. 

What are the benefits of Dual Enrollment? 

  • Research has shown that students who participate in dual enrollment programs are more likely to graduate and continue their education
  • Offers a low- or no-cost way to earn college credits
  • There are many options for completing courses including in-person at Cerritos College, on campus at La Mirada, synchronous remote, and asynchronous online. 
  • Access to community college facilities including the library, student resource center, and counseling. 
  • Ability to challenge oneself with rigorous coursework. 
  • Ability to take classes of interest that may not be offered at the high school. 
  • Ability to earn both college and high school credits. 

Dual Enrollment Steps for Cerritos College

1. Complete the Cerritos College Application 

  • The online application can be accessed here: CCCApply 
    • Create an account 
    • Start a new application and apply for the term you intend to take a course
    • Once you submit your application you Cerritos College student number will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours - your student number is 7-digits, all numbers

2. Complete the Dual Enrollment Form 

3. Complete the SRT/GPT

  • This is only required if you are taking a Math or English course, or if a class you want to take has a pre-requisite of Math or English 

4. Enroll in Your Class(es)

  • After your Dual Enrollment Form is process, you will need to enroll yourself in your class(es) through your MyCerritos Account
  • Check your MyCerritos for registration window or Open Enrollment
    • High school students do not have priority registration so you are advised to have alternative classes in case your first choice is full
    • How to Enroll (Video)

5. Pay Your Student Fees

  • Tuition fess of $46 per unit are waived for dual enrollment students
  • Students are however required to pay the health fee every semester they take a class
  • Student Activities and Student Representation fees are charged per semester, but can be waived with the following forms: Student Activities Fee WaiverStudent Representation Fee Waiver

Frequently Asked Questions